Through the RIS (River Information Services) product, we provide traffic of goods and people transportation management on the interior navigating paths, as well as the interface to other means of transport and trading processes.
We also increase the safety of traffic, we contribute to the environmental protection, to increasing transport efficiency and optimizing the volume for this type of traffic, considered to be safe for the environment.
RIS facilitates the communication between the public and private parties involved in naval transport, offering them complex information in real time.
Presentation in real time of the traffic situation
With the help of the RIS, we offer instruments for the real time monitoring of the internal navigation fleet and of the conditions on the navigable channel. We thus improve the fleet management and we make a detailed planning of the route and its management possible, based on up-to-date information concerning the navigable channel. RIS makes available for the captains and the fleet managers geographic, hydrologic and administrative information for the planning, the execution and the monitoring of the route.
The monitoring of the hazardous merchandise for the safety of the transport
Through the RIS we contribute to the detailed monitoring of the hazardous merchandise transport and we support the interventions during the occurrence and after the accidents. We offer information which allows reactions in due time in case of accidents and environmental calamities. Since the traffic data are stored in a database, the reconstruction of the accident is helpful in analyzing its causes.
Better information for the planning of the operations and resources at the terminals
We offer the harbor and terminal operators ETA information and other information by which we contribute to the diminishing of the transshipment time. These data allow a proactive approach to the terminal flows: before the entrance of the ship in the harbor, the operator can prepare and plan the handling activities. For the commanders, we thus reduce the waiting time and we optimize the entire trip, while the infrastructure is better used.
The monitoring in real time of the river transport and the navigation conditions in order to guarantee safety and security
By using RIS facilities, we increase the safety and efficiency of the traffic on the interior navigable channels. At the same time, we help creating statistics for the naval authorities, international organizations and companies engaged in the strategic planning and monitoring of the interior navigable paths. We thus reduce the errors and the long processing time specific to the communication on paper.
The automation of the cross-border operations in order to ease the international trade
We support the law enforcement in the navigation on the interior channels, the compliance with the requirements for traffic safety, as well as the compliance with the environmental requirements.
Improved interfaces for the connection with other types of transport
Through the establishment of an interface with other systems, we offer a communication instruments between all the members of the supply chain and its observance on several types of transport. This interfacing removes the interruptions of the information flow and allows the integration of the internal navigation in the supply chains.
The RIS applications are developed using the following technologies:
- HTTP/HTTPS protocol;
- Security: SSL/Firewall;
- Authorization: AS/ Proprietary App;
- Web Server: IIS7;
- Presentation: ASP.Net HTML Javascript XS;
- Business Logic: .Net Framework;
- Business Integration: WCF XML Soap WSDL;
- Data Integration: ADO.Net;
- Messaging: MSMQ XML;
- SQL Server 2008.
RIS integrates complex hardware networks.
AIS – ships location and identification, obtaining information in real time.
The main functions of the AIS network are:
- The supply of a transparent connection between the AIS network with the AIS base station network ;
- The control of the data flows in the AIS Network ;
- The monitoring and centralized diagnosis of the AIS Base Station network;
- The services supply for the AIS network clients;
- The supply of information in real time about the naval control for the monitoring of the navigation situation, the exchange of binary messages and safety messages between the ships ;
- The data exchange with other national or international AIS Networks;
- The storage of the data in databases for the data processing and supply at the exit at the clients’ request;
- Configuration, control and centralized diagnosis of the system ;
- The supply in real time of information related to the ships traffic for the monitoring of the navigational situation through the internet over the electronic chart by using a standard WEB browser.
Radar –24×7 monitoring of the naval traffic in areas with heavy traffic.
Weather forecast – accurate information about the condition of the weather.
VHF–radio frequencies communication system.
The basic functionalities of the network are:
- Information services about: the navigable paths concerning temporary obstructions of the navigation paths; faulty functioning of the support equipment for navigation; changes for the short term of the operation time for flood gates and bridges; navigation restrictions due to floods and frost; the current and future level of the water at the critical points;
- Strategic information services;
- Support services for calamity situations ;
- Management services for flood gates and draw bridges;
- Planning services for the trip;
- Support services for the enforcement of the laws and regulations for: the management of the border crossings, the observance of the requirements concerning traffic safety and the observance of the environmental protection requirements.
CCTV –24×7 surveillance of the naval traffic.