National Integrated Visa System
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We process visas in 129 consulates of Romania all over the world.
A number of 200,000 visas are currently processed annually under this system.
The implemented solution helps prevent irregular border crossing and enhances national safety, facilitates border checks, and at the same time, it provides for an enhanced security of personal data and reduced visa processing time.
Implementation of an integrated information system
- Support software infrastructure for back-office. Enabling SNIV system to be operational within a multi-user environment and network;
- Complete server hardware architecture. Enabling SNIV system software architecture to be operational;
- Hardware infrastructure components for consulates.
- Project Management consulting;
- Maintenance and Support.
- Issue of visas in the 129 consulates of Romania;
- Connection to the Central Vis central system, Central VIS Mail and to VISIOn servers of other Member States.
- Streamlined procedures for the issue of visas;
- Enhanced consular cooperation for increased internal security and prevention of “visa purchase” phenomena;
- Easier verification procedures and fight against crime at external borders and within the territory of Romania;
- Prevention of threats to the internal security of EU Member States.
- Microsoft .NET Framework;
- Microsoft Messaging Queue;
- Microsoft Silverlight 4.0;
- Microsoft Authorization Manager;
- Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services;
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008;
- Dermalog LF10 biometric scanner SDK;
- Canon 500D camera SDK;
- Arhungary PRMC passport reader SDK.
Magnitude Projects

ERIA - Extension and Rehabilitation of Water and Wastewater in Argeș Country

Orizont, Integrated System for the National House of Public Pensions

SIM: Integrated Environmental System

SMSUMB – Command and Control Center of Bucharest Municipality

WIMS – Water Management System

eViza - Electronic Visa Service
eTerra - National Estate Registry System

Integrated Emergency Service System

Revisal - Work Force Management System

Disaster Scenario Software

SINCRON - National Protected Area Management System