Integrated System
We help over 1 million farmers annualy to obtain subsidies from the European Union.
Over 1,650,000 agricultural blocks were assessed throughout six years in order to enable the absorption of funds with the value of 4.5 billion Euro. In this way, we succeeded to enhance the efficiency of farmers in Romania in their activity.
The implementation of the system was truly a big challenge as the administered database was the second in size in Romania.
Development of an integrated information system for controlling farmers’ activity
- Administration and control of financial aids for farmers, which are offered under FEROGA Funds (the European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund);
- Development of registration mechanisms for support applications, verification, approval and payment to farmers;
- Detection and control of fraud by using tools for the storage and search of performance indicators;
- Enhanced capacity to monitor any application at any time;
- Compatibility with the EU system;
- Project Management consulting;
- Support and Maintenance.
Integrated Management and Control System (IACS)
It is the main component of the IT system of APIA and consists of the following modules:
- Registry of Farmers;
- Data Capture Module;
- Module of Administrative Verification;
- Module of Field Verification, which covers all the characteristics regarding the field and distance verifications;
- Payment Computing Module;
- Payment Authorization Module
With these modules, the following schemes were managed:
- SAPS – single area payment scheme (mandatory for the rest of the schemes)
- ANTs – Transitory State Aids (ANT1 – ANT6)
- PSZ – Separate payment for sugar
- OZD – payment for rice
- TDP – tomatoes for processing (no longer paid currently)
- EC – energy crops (no longer paid currently)
Lot Identification System: it provides for the view and maintenance of physical blocks;
Market Regulation:
- It is a management and tracking system for:
- Promotion measures for agricultural and ecological products;
- Promotion measures of wines, within the National Support Programme in the sector of vitiviniculture;
- Import and export licence granting measures for agricultural products part of the trade exchanges with third-party states, according to European regulations;
- Exportation reimbursements for agricultural products to third-party countries (financed only by EAGF);
- Milk quotas and declarations regarding trading milk and diary products;
- Measures specific to milk aid in schools and fruit aid in schools respectively;
- Restructuring and reconversion measures;
- Invervention measures for the products in the sector of vegetables, diaries and meat;
Rural Development
- Payment for less-favoured areas (Measures 211 „Support for the less-favoured mountain area” and 212 „Support for less-favoured areas, other than mountain” delegated by APDRP to APIA);
- Agri-environment payments (214 „Agri-environment Payments” delegated by APDRP to APIA, comprising 7 packages)
- Management of multianual engagements for LFA and Agri-environment packages
- Return of amounts unduly paid, granted to farmers not meeting the conditions/criteria they commited to respect
Financial Accounting System
It processes the fiancial accounting activities of APIA:
- Administers all specific documents in the county and central offices;
- Handles EU funding administered by IACS;
- Reports to the EU;
- Administers financial accounts;
- Reports to EU and Governmental authorities.
Document Management System
- Handles the documents;
- Provides important advantages for APIA in comparison with the traditional system of printed documents
- Next-generation methods for accessing and using the funding for farmers;
- Transparency in the processes of submitting the financial and analysis requests;
- System flexibility with the legislative changes managing payment schemes and measures;
- Exporting complex reports requested by the EC or variuous control bodies;
- Reducing waiting times for the flow of processing requests;
- Improvement of beneficiaries’ experience regarding the administration;
- System implemented according to the EU directives regarding the implementation of the national administration and access system of governemental services for citizens;
- More efficient management analysis and processing of financial requests;
- Simplification and increase of the efficiency of APIA activities;
- Flexibility of the payment system for farmers allowing various payments in instalments;
- Java;
- JEE: JPA 1.2, EJB 3.0, JMS, JSF;
- Oracle Database;
- JBoss Application Server.
Magnitude Projects

ERIA - Extension and Rehabilitation of Water and Wastewater in Argeș Country

Orizont, Integrated System for the National House of Public Pensions

SIM: Integrated Environmental System

SMSUMB – Command and Control Center of Bucharest Municipality

WIMS – Water Management System

eViza - Electronic Visa Service

Revisal - Work Force Management System

Integrated Emergency Service System

Disaster Scenario Software

SINCRON - National Protected Area Management System