Research & Development

SmartHeat Icon SmartHeat

The SmartHeat project (co-financed by the Ambient Assisted Living Program) aims to leverage on modern IoT (Internet of Things) technologies in order to radically change the home heating experience for health, comfort and wellbeing of elderly people. The goal will be achieved through the development of a smart, secure and elderly friendly ICT system for heating monitoring and control.

A key building block of the platform is the smartTRV, a smart version of the current eTRVs. It is equipped with a set of technologies to understand the environment and the user needs and to wirelessly communicate with other smart TRVs installed on other radiators or with other different devices, such as smartphones/ tablets and wearable computing devices (e.g. smartwatches, wristbands, etc.). Thus, the user can access the system by a simple vocal command or can benefit from intelligent algorithms which will allow the system to learn the user habits and the environmental conditions and to control the heating system accordingly.

Project website:

In Romania the funding agency is
UEFISCDI logo_mic


The following technologies and domains are involved in the development of the SmartHeat solution:

  • Internet of Things and smart home: The SmartHeat solution leverages on IoT technologies, in order to transform a passive and isolated radiator into a smart objects connected to the Internet and able to interact with the user.
  • Electronic components and integration: The smartTRV has an electronic module which is the brain of the valve and it is the component which allows the radiator to interact with the Internet and with the end user and allows environmental monitoring and radiator control.
  • Industrial design: The project is strongly focused on the end users and their satisfaction. The consortium aims to produce, at the end of the project, a prototype which is very close to exploitation on the market.
  • User involvement, analysis and assessment: The end users are involved in the project since the beginning. This will maximize the chances of satisfaction of the end user and will lower the adoption barriers.

The project will focus on:

  • improving self-management of older adults at home and enhancing their autonomy;
  • encouraging prevention and raising older adults’ awareness regarding energy and gas saving issues;
  • enhancing older adults’ autonomy and allowing informal carers to have their social life outside home, while at the same time maintaining control of the proper home heating conditions of their older relatives.
  • University of Geneva – Switzerland (coordinator);
  • Modosmart S.L.  – Spain;
  • MX-SI S.L. – Spain;
  • Sensor ID s.n.c. – Italy;
  • terzStiftung – Switzerland;
  • EURAG – Austria;
  • Gluk Advice B.V. – Netherlands;
  • Teamnet International – Romania.