Research & Development

SMARTCEM – Smart Connected Electro Mobility Icon SMARTCEM – Smart Connected Electro Mobility

SMARTCEM is the project by means of which we are researching and exploiting the ITC solutions to the purpose of improving motion with the help of electrical vehicles (EV).
These are not used on large scale because of the limitations and of people’s lack of faith in this type of transportation. The SMARTCEM project undertakes to minimize the current limitations of the EV, by applying certain advanced mobility services (EV- navigation, EV – efficient driving, EV – travel management, EV – management of the charging station) to the already-existing multi -modal electro-mobile means of transport.
By combining technology with electro-mobility we target to boost public awareness on the electrical mode and to turn it into a standard.

Project Website:

The ITC services we propose within SMARTCEM will promote the change of the public general attitude towards electrical vehicles. By implementing this project, the end-users trust in a new mobility concept – the electro-mobility- will be boosted and this will facilitate:

  • Car-sharing of small vehicles
  • Public transport
  • Commodities distribution
  • Optimizing EV performances


SMARTCEM undertakes to reach several objectives, in order to get the final results:

  • To prove that the number of users who accept to use electrical vehicles may increase by means of the solution we propose by at least 15%.
  • To assess how much the efficiency of the transport can be optimized, taking into consideration the sustainable development of the Environment
  • To design carbon emissions measuring, monitoring and assessment tools
  • To identify and answer the needs of all the implementation elements (e.g. business models and legal aspects)
  • To optimize the energy consumption of the vehicle and of the infrastructure
  • To support the pan-European cooperation at operational level by standardizing the operations carried out within various services
  • To facilitate the cooperation at operational level between various systems and vehicles
  • To fully-integrate new services, such as car-washing, into the public transport system
  • To expand the pilot to more cities, operators or service providers.


  • Teamnet Romania
  • ERTICO (Belgium)
  • City of Barcelona (Spain)
  • Gipuzkoa Area (Spain)
  • City of San Sebastian (Spain)
  • City of Turin (Italy)
  • PluService (Italy)
  • UNEW (Italy)
  • FIA (Spain)
  • IDIADA (Spain)
  • ENNERA (Spain)
  • CTSS (Spain)
  • PTV (Spain).