Research & Development


The MITSU Project works on improving multimedia applications, contributing to the development of new generations of applications and multimedia player systems. The final result is the development of more efficient, scalable and stable applications, designed to be used via wireless networks.

Starting from the technologies developed so far, with the research and optimization activities, MITSU aims at designing interoperable applications to be used on any device for a more efficient energy use, regardless of the available network.

Project Website:

  • Convergence of streaming technologies – telecom and web – within a common set of components and tools, mainly for cloud services
  • Minimization of the video transport processing complexity and adjusting the potential impact to a lower energy consumption
  • Increased expertise on video codecs applicable to wireless communication
  • Better Qos and QoE for Video encoding and transportation
  • Convergent technologies to be used in multimedia and video surveillance applications

With MITSU, we have undertaken to support the development of innovative video applications, for which we put forward a robust, efficient and interoperable solution. Reaching the result is possible by studying and implementing the following key points:

  • MPEG HEVC Video Codec and its competitors
  • Video Streaming Protocols and interoperability of formats
  • Video transcoding and transrating
  • Video quality measurements and samples
  • Boosting robustness
  • Context-dependent video streaming adaptation
  • Heterogeneous networks monitoring
  • Cross-layer optimization
  • Content confidentiality, security and protection
  • Latest mobile communication systems (4G)
  • Implementation of cases where multimedia and security applications are used
  • Field trials
  • Cloud Computing Management
  • PSNC – Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
  • AGH – AGH University of Science and Technology
  • UAM – Adam Mickiewicz University
  • ITA – Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón,
  • ADTEL Sistemas de Telecomunicacion S.L.,
  • Arantia 2010, SLU,
  • Embou Nuevas Tecnologias, S.L.
  • ARGELA – Yazılım ve Bilişim Teknolojileri San. ve Tic. A.Ş
  • C2TECH  – C Tech Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş
  • Teamnet World Professional Services
  • Autonomous Systems S.R.L